Everyone at MAviO would like to congratulate top spotter Mario Caruana for having yet another picture of his making it to the front cover of an international aeronautical publication thanks to MAviO’ News. The specially painted Airbus registered HB-JLT is seen promoting the ”HELP ALLIANCE” . The ”HELP ALLIANCE” was founded in 1999 by a group of Lufthansa employees aimed at giving young disadvantaged people access to education.

The cover features the stunning aircraft with the iconic Our Lady of Loreto chapel in the backhround. The chapel which is on the outskirts of Gudja was built in 1676 on the same site of a smaller medieval one. MAviO News Editor Marvic Bugeja while congratulating Mario Caruana on the accomplishment, thanked Skyliner editor Chris Witt for his wise choice. She added that the Edelwiess cover could not have come at a better time, as testimony to the resilience and determination of the Swiss capacity provider. During the past 48 hours a video has emerged showing an Edelweiss captain helping to load bags in the cargo hold at Edinburgh airport as the port of entry continues to grapple with massive staff shortages.