MAviO 2016, from left to right: Captain Norman D’Amato (Aviator of the Year) / Captain Joe Agius (Leader of the Year); in absentia his wife collected the award on his behalf / Charles Stafrace (Lifetime Achievement Award)
Award Winners 2016

MAviO 2016, from left to right: Captain Norman D’Amato (Aviator of the Year) / Captain Joe Agius (Leader of the Year); in absentia his wife collected the award on his behalf / Charles Stafrace (Lifetime Achievement Award)
Captain Etienne Zammit Lupi has retired from Air Malta after a 30-year career in which he logged more than 20,000 flight hours. He has flown an array of passenger aircraft starting on the original Boeing 737-200 before...
On Friday, Malta International Airport welcomed the first flight and passengers from Niš, marking the inauguration of the second direct connection between Malta and Serbia. Flights to Serbia’s third-largest city will be...
MAviO News recently ran a snippet about Andrea Burlo retiring from KM Malta Airlines after spending 36 years in the aviation industry, initially as a cabin crew member and subsequently as a pilot. The news generated...
MAviO News caught up with Captain Robin Zammit who carved his name in the annals of Malta’s aviation history books after he played a pivotal role in saving the life of an incubator baby way back in March 2017. In an...
By Alan Muscat Aviation has always been at the forefront of innovation and, as technology advances, the role of the pilot is increasingly becoming supervisory in nature, raising new challenges for maintaining safety and...
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