Antonio Cebrian shared this great story on his LinkedIn account claiming this must have happened in 1992. After completion of the retrofit program which saw the Canadair CL215 piston being converted to turbine as the CL215T , one aircraft experienced an unbalanced condition. This was due to part of the composite propellor blade being torn off during the take-off run.

The unbalanced engine situation resulted in an engine failure. Fortunately the aircraft was over the lake and was thus able to land safely on water with no consequences for the crew.

The engine had to be changed in very harsh working conditions. Desspite the obstacles and the huge challenges faced, the whole operation was completed successfully and the aircraft was recovered to the maintenance base.

While sharing this fascinating story on LinkedIn, Antonio asked if someone can recognize himself as being part of this engine change adventure and potentially add more details to what went on behind the scenes.