MAviO News

Captain Robin Zammit hailed as a modern-day hero

MAviO News caught up with Captain Robin Zammit who carved his name in the annals of Malta’s aviation history books after he played a pivotal role in saving the life of an incubator baby way back in March 2017. In an exclusive interview, he sheds new light on how he managed to accomplish the feat that saw him and his crew in the news for several days.

Captain Zammit also talks about his days in Cranfield (EGTC) at the then renowned Trent Air Services, where he flew the Slingsby T-67 and obtained his CPL. He was a regular contributor to the aviation pages of Times of Malta during the late eighties and early nineties. At the Malta Aviation Society, he rose through the ranks to become the club’s secretary.

After 33 years at Air Malta and a total flight time exceeding 20,000 hours he decided to retire from the national carrier in 2023 and move on to pastures new. He now lectures students reading for their MSc in Air Transport Management.

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